Impact F1, What Next-gen, parametric, 3D printed flip flops look like Consumer Products

Impact F1, What Next-gen, Parametric, 3D Printed Flip Flops Look Like

The ability to leverage parametric online customization tools to create and personalize entire products is embedded in the potential of 3D printing as a production technology. Until now this potential has been only marginally exploited but the possibilities are rapidly increasing: more optimized products, more customized, more innovative, more sustainable: in the footwear segment, Impact Footwear is introducing all these features truly next-gen 3D printed flip flops: the Impact F1.

TIWARI and ESA validate ceramic and metal materials for RAPTOR 3D printer 3D Printing Processes

ESA-supported startup TIWARI Scientific Instruments in Germany has developed low-cost 3D printer, the RAPTOR, which is capable of 3D printing a variety of metals and ceramics using a bound powder filament extrusion process. While the 3D printer is similar to other systems now available in the market – such as those introduced by Nanoe and Triditive among others – TIWARI was able to leverage support from ESA to validate four metal and ceramic materials for space and other applications.