LimaCorporate Breaks Ground for First On-site Hospital 3D Printing Facility

LimaCorporate Breaks Ground for First On-site Hospital 3D Printing Facility

Global medical device company LimaCorporate has confirmed that it has started construction of its forthcoming on-site 3D printing facility at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York. First confirmed in January this year, the partners held a ground breaking ceremony at the site at the end of May. Building works are scheduled for completion by 2020, and the center itself is expected to be in operation early in the same year.

Materialise Buys Majority Stake in Engimplan, Expands Medical 3D Printing Business in Brazil

Materialise Buys Majority Stake in Engimplan, Expands Medical 3D Printing Business in Brazil

Belgian software and 3D printing service provider Materialise has acquired a 75 percent stake in Engimplan, a Brazil-based medical device manufacturer. In this agreement, Materialise will apply its medical 3D printing expertise to Engimplan’s device portfolio. Together, the two companies will work to accelerate the introduction of 3D printed medical implants and instruments to the Brazilian market.

Formlabs Fuse1 benchtop SLS 3D printer is now shipping 3D Printer Hardware

Formlabs Fuse1 benchtop SLS 3D printer is now shipping 3D Printer Hardware

With a low profile newsletter mailing and a video update on the company’s website, Formlabs has finally released the Formlabs Fuse1 benchtop SLS 3D printer for general commercial availability. Originally presented in 2017, the system’s launch was delayed by a number of events, including the latest COVD-19 pandemic but it now appears ready to enter the market for affordable, benchtop SLS technology, currently dominated by Sinterit.

An Duong (MoreThan3D) Publishes 1/48 Scale 3D Printed Starship Model

An Duong (MoreThan3D) Publishes 1/48 Scale 3D Printed Starship Model

An Duong is a Rolls Royce aerospace engineer and a great fan of SpaceX. On top of a great talent for designing 3D printable parts, he has a real passion for sharing 3D printing knowledge, awareness and educational projects. As a hobby, to both build on these passions and support these extra-curricular activities, he designs, prints and sells incredible replicas of SpaceX vehicles, such as this incredible 3D printed Starship model, via his MoreThan3D portal.