Superstrata Ships First Composite 3D Printed Bike

Superstrata Ships First Composite 3D Printed Bike

Superstrata, the company founded by Arevo Labs to commercialize composite 3D printed bikes and e-bikes, has shipped the first Superstrata bike. The bike marks a significant milestone as it represents one of the very first continuous fiber-reinforced composites 3D printed consumer products ever to hit the market. As such it was highlighted by 3dpbm as one of the best 3D printed products of 2020.

DMG Mori Launched the LASERTEC 6600 System to 3D Print 4 Meter Parts

DMG Mori Launched the LASERTEC 6600 System to 3D Print 4 Meter Parts

At Formnext 2019 many were in awe seeing the very large LASERTEC 125 DED hybrid system from DMG Mori. This year there was no physical formnext but if DMG Mori could have shown its newest 3D printer it would have dwarfed it. The LASERTEC 6600 DED hybrid system is a behemoth with up to 1,040 mm on the X-axis, -280 mm to +330 mm on the Y-axis, 3,890 mm on the Z-axis. Yes you read correctly: that’s 4 meters (a bit more than 12 feet) on the Z axis.

Satellite Applications Catapult purchases MetalFAB1 system Aerospace

With the new Cornwall Space Port and a growing number of space-bound projects (including Virgin Galactic), the UK is becoming a key hub for space exploration and tourism. Now the Satellite Applications Catapult, a UK-based technology and innovation company, is contributing to the space ecosystem’s growth by installing a new MetalFAB1 system from Additive Industries, as part of an investment from the Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership, through the Getting Building Fund. The machine will be installed at the Satellite Applications Catapult’s Disruptive Innovation for Space Centre (DISC) at Westcott Venture Park where it will be available for UK companies to use from July 2021.

Competition Heats Up Over Volumetric Printing Patents Legislation

Competition Heats Up Over Volumetric Printing Patents Legislation

Volumetric printing, as this network reported, has arrived in the form of the xolo xube, but this revolutionary technology already faces contenders for volumetric printing patents. A United States patent filed by Mr. Daniel Clark of Topshelf Enterprises (T3DP) and Southern Methodist University claims technology similar to xolo’s volumetric process. Mr. Clark points to his patent as occupying the field in which xolo has released a product.