Are shorters winning the battle?

Are shorters winning the battle?

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Competition is eating up margin from established 3D Printers manufacturers. These players are being squeezed between new entrants, such like HP or Carbon3D, and desktop 3D Printers that have improved dramatically over the last 2 years.

This situation is certainly leading short sellers to pill up as soon as the major listed companies see any rebound in their share price. In the last two weeks of May 2016, short interest in 3D Systems (DDD), Stratasys (SSYS) and Voxeljet (VJET) has significantly increased.

Are shorters winning the battle?

Short interest in 3D Systems Corp. (NYSE: DDD) rose by 7.3% to 26.95 million shares. Some 25.4% of the company’s float was short. Days to cover rose from five to eight.

Stratasys Ltd. (NASDAQ: SSYS) saw short interest rise by 4.3% in the last two weeks of May to about 9.08 million shares, or 18.7% of the company’s float. Days to cover rose from five to nine.

Short interest in The ExOne Co. (NASDAQ: XONE) dropped 4.9% to 1.8 million shares. About 19.7% of the company’s shares were short. Days to cover rose from six to 10.

Short interest in Voxeljet A.G. (NYSE: VJET) increased by 6.6% to 645,407 American depositary shares (ADSs), with days to cover rising from eight to 13.

Pressure from shorters and disgruntled investors could lead to significant share price decrease over the next months.

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