Rosatom and RusAT develop own laser systems product line for metal 3D printers Decision Makers

Specialists of All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics (VNIITF) have developed and manufactured prototypes of lasers with a power of 200, 400, 700 and 1000 W to be used in SLM printers. The development was carried out within the framework of R&D “Lasers”, which is supervised by the integrator “Rusatom – Additive Technologies” (RusAT, an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company).

The model range of laser sources will undergo a set of tests at RFNC-VNIIEF, after which they will be sent to RusAT’s Additive Technologies Center at the site of the Moscow Polymetal Plant for further testing on RusMelt 300M and RusMelt 600M 3D printers.

RusAT is a specialized company – an integrator of the nuclear industry in the field of additive technologies (three-dimensional printing). The company’s activities are focused on four key areas: the production of a line of 3D printers and their components, the creation of materials and metal powders for 3D printing, the development of integrated software for additive systems, as well as the provision of services for 3D printing and the introduction of additive technologies into production (including, in terms of the organization of production centers).

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By the end of 2021, the organization plans to carry out a full cycle of tests of laser sources in accordance with the requirements of State Standards and prepare the line for serial production.

“Laser system is one of the key components of an SLM printer along with machinery components and software. The created line of lasers is an opportunity to fully provide the additive manufacturing of Rosatom with its own developments, which is necessary for the business stability and independence from external suppliers. Moreover, in the future, RusAT will be able to accept orders for laser products of this line,” noted Mikhail Turundaev, CEO of RusAT.

ROSATOM is a global actor on the world’s nuclear technology market. Its leading-edge stems from a number of competitive strengths, one of which is assets and competencies at hand in all nuclear segments. ROSATOM incorporates companies from all stages of the technological chain, such as uranium mining and enrichment, nuclear fuel fabrication, equipment manufacture, and engineering, operation of nuclear power plants, and management of spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste. Nowadays, ROSATOM brings together about 350 enterprises and organizations with a workforce above 250 K.

TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom incorporates enterprises for the fabrication of nuclear fuel, conversion and enrichment of uranium, production of gas centrifuges, as well as research and design organizations. It is the only supplier of nuclear fuel for Russian nuclear power plants. TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom provides nuclear fuel for 73 power reactors in 13 countries worldwide, research reactors in eight countries, as well as transport reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world operates on fuel manufactured by TVEL.

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Author: VoxelMatters

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