Wayland Additive launches Calibur3 metal AM system 3D Printer Hardware

Wayland Additive officially unveiled its breakthrough metal additive manufacturing (AM) technology NeuBeam, with the commercial launch of its first platform: Calibur3. During a virtual launch hosted by the executive team from headquarters in Huddersfield, a wide range of attendees from all across the world were introduced to the new Calibur3 machine.

“It was a privilege for me to explain the genesis of our work at Wayland Additive and the ‘why’ behind the NeuBeam process and Calibur3. I think the headlines speak for themselves, and all the hard work by the Wayland team that has gone into the development of the process and this new hardware platform has been realized today. I am so proud of our team and their dedication to the launch initiative. Now it is our mission to really demonstrate the difference that Calibur3 can make for metal AM applications,” said Will Richardson CEO of Wayland Additive, commenting on today’s launch.

The full capabilities of the NeuBeam process, embedded into the Calibur3, were explained in detail to the audience by Ian Laidler, CTO at Wayland Additive. Anyone that was not able to make the virtual launch event will soon be able to access Ian’s presentation, as well as those given by CEO Will Richardson, and Business Development Director, Peter Hansford.

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The NeuBeam system introduces a step-change in performance and capability compared with existing metal AM machines on the market today. It is a new type of EBM process that promises the ability to 3D print metal parts that cannot be produced today, due to current metal AM process limitations, and using a much wider range of metal materials.

With a print volume 300 x 300 x 450 mm, the machine eliminates residual stress or gas cross flow (thus enabling the production of fully dense parts), without having to pre-sinter the powder bed. It offers substantially reduced energy consumption and print times as well as a simplified powder removal process and significantly less post-processing.

Peter Hansford, Wayland’s Director of Business Development expanded further on the potential for new applications and shared the real opportunities Calibur3 brings for business: “The Calibur3 system featuring the NeuBeam process offers a true 3rd way that sits between SLM & EBM systems, and provides a leap forward compared with any existing alternatives. In addition, Calibur3 promotes innovation, which should be key to any advancement in technology. And because it overcomes the compromises that most companies have to contend with when using metal AM, they can now revisit applications that were previously seen as troublesome or impossible and/or begin development projects with a clearer view of the process and more room to operate in. NeuBeam is a metal AM process that saves both time and money from end-to-end, one that can benefit commercial objectives through true production partnerships.”

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Author: Victor Anusci

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