Stefan Thundal appointed as new CEO of AIM Sweden AM Industry

Stefan Thundal, a well-known figure in the additive manufacturing industry and in the company, has been appointed as the new CEO of metal AM service provider AIM Sweden, effective February 1, 2023. Göran Elovsson leaves the CEO position but continues to work strategically for the company.

Stefan Thundal, CEO of AIM Sweden

“We are very happy that Stefan Thundal chooses to continue working with AIM Sweden and that he is doing so as CEO,” commented chairman of the board Anna Ragén. “It is always preferable to take over the controls in a strong position. Stefan Thundal is in that position as he assumes the role as CEO of the successful 3D printing company AIM Sweden, after Göran Elovsson.”

“I have been with the company for several years already. I know the industry and the team quite well and I really look forward to continuing to develop our business in industrial 3D printing,” contributed Stefan Thundal.

In the fall of 2022, AIM Sweden successfully carried out a new share issue which, through a solid commitment from the company’s owners, lays the foundation for continued expansion. In times when raising new capital is challenging, AIM Sweden has met an interest from the capital market that strengthens the company going forward. AIM Sweden can report strong sales and great interest from the market in our products and solutions.

“We see great opportunities in 2023,” said Stefan Thundal. “We expect continued growth in orthopedics as well as strengthening our position as the leading supplier of 3D printed tools for molded fiber. We will also expand our production area, continue hiring and add a complementary printing technology.”

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“To have Stefan Thundal in charge of the company in this expansive phase is extra positive,” added board chairman Anna Ragén. “We are very happy that Stefan assumes the position as CEO of AIM Sweden, she said. “He is well-qualified, well-known in the industry, successful and has great trust among employees.”

Stefan Thundal has spent most of his career in various commercial and strategic roles in high-tech industries with global operations. It includes roles at companies such as Volvo Aero (now GKN Aerospace), Powercell, Arcam/GE Additive and now, for a few years, AIM Sweden.

“For most of my career, I have built strong long-term partnerships with international customers in various industries such as aviation, orthopedics and process industries. I think these experiences will be valuable also as CEO of AIM Sweden,” stated Stefan Thundal.

In his new role, Stefan will initially benefit from the competence of his predecessor, Göran Elovsson. Göran, who for 30 years had the USA as his home base, is leaving the CEO role to scale back and get more time for his family. “I am retiring after 40 years in different executive roles,” Elovsson pointed out.

Before retiring completely, Göran will assist AIM Sweden and his successor Stefan Thundal. “During the next six months, Göran will focus on new strategic collaborations, primarily in the US and open doors for us with his broad US network. I am very pleased to have that support,” Stefan Thundal concluded.

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Author: VoxelMatters

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