Youngstown Paves Way for Business Park Featuring 3D Printing Hub

3D printing finds a manufacturing home in a business park in Youngstown, OH. The president of M-7 Technologies, Mike Garvey spoke at the Brookings Institution discussion recently in Washington DC, and his vision spells a lucrative future for private investors looking to make moves within the growing industry. It is now acutely apparent that 3D printing is here to stay and will continue to burgeon as a force in manufacturing. As a result of continued growth, more hands seek to stake a claim and Youngstown hopes to provide a hub and investment opportunity. The presence of Fortune 500 companies, as claimed by Garvey, confirm the fevered interest.

youngstown 3d printingSince the announcement made at the panel, Garvey has remained tight-lipped concerning further park development. However, Garvey said the park would, “collocate the value chain suppliers of 3D printing so that we can compress the technology intersection between the different contributing technologies that result in the final product of 3DP.”

“I know everyone is interested, but we just want to keep our eye on this project.” Garvey’s words express shareholder sentiments playing close to the vest with financial interests at play.

“I think that one of the biggest successes of the Youngstown hub is the attracting of private investment. We will be building this park in Youngstown with about 15 innovation centers populated primarily by Fortune 500 companies, and each center will have approximately 100 employees.”

With plans for job market growth, it is imperative that 3DP education continues to expand and integrate into common pedagogical practices in order to produce homegrown talent. Hopefully, M-7 recognizes the value to promote local 3DP educational programs fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between the business park and its proximal community. Fully aware of the attention garnered for such a bold move, Garvey commented on the project and the regional significance. “This [business park] is natural growth, so we are very excited to be the test kitchen for this,” he said. “We take the responsibility seriously.”

The moderator of the panel discussion, Darrell West, Vice President and Director for Governance Studies at Brookings and founding director for the Center for Technology Innovation responded, “That’s good, because all eyes are on Ohio.”

We watch and hope 3DP continues to thrive in every sector it touches.

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