Sharebot Opens Branded 3D Printing Store in Florence

Sharebot Opens Branded 3D Printing Store in Florence

MakerBot did it, following in the footsteps of Apple, and it did not work out so well. Now, Sharebot, Italy’s leading low-cost 3D printer manufacturer, is going to go the way of the mono-brand store through a collaboration with local makerspace PaLEoS.

Active in the low-cost 3D printing scene since mid-2013, PaLEoS was born as a laboratory offering courses and lab sessions for the general public, finalised at learning about science and technology. The Florence-based team also offers consultancy services on new technologies and mediated communication on technological trends.

Sharebot Opens Branded 3D Printing Store in Florence

Through the new Sharebot 3D Store, PaLEoS is going to complement the sale of Sharebot’s full range of 3D printers – which includes FFF, DLP and, soon, SLS and SLA models – with design, 3D modelling, rapid prototyping, 3D scanning, and reverse engineering services.

The Sharebot 3D Store will work to support its customers with financing plans on the purchase of 3D printers, as well as full technical support and several courses to improve proficiency on implementing 3D printing in a studio or small business’ creative workflow.

The inauguration is scheduled for next October 25th, in Florence, a city known for its rich cultural, artistic, and creative heritage. Now, it is time for 3D printing to start playing a more important role in taking Florence’s artistic culture into the future, dreaming of a Sharebot 3D Store a few steps away from the Uffizi Gallery.



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