Reinshaw opens a additive manufacturing centre in India

Reinshaw opens a additive manufacturing centre in India

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UK based engineering company Reinshaw recently announced the opening of a Additive Manufacturing Solutions Centre in Pune, India. The center will house a number of metal 3D printers to provide metal 3D printing services to Indian customers.

According to a press release by the company, the centre will help expand the adoption of Additive manufacturing technology in India at the same time providing Indian consumers access to AM technology at a predictable cost.

Like Reinshaw’s other Additive Manufacturing Centres in the UK, United States, Canada, Germany and China the Pune centre will house a number of metal 3D printers to provide metal 3D printing services to the local customers.

Speaking on the opening of the first Additive Manufacturing Soutions Centre in India, Rhydian Pountney, Renishaw’s Director responsible for Indian Sales and Marketing Operations said that the centre will help Indian customers realize the benefits of Additive Manufacturing.

“We are delighted to be opening the first Solutions Centre in India” Pountney said. “The thrust of the additive manufacturing centres is to create a platform on which to work in close partnership with our customers to help them realise the benefits of AM in their products and manufacturing processes.”

According to Clive Martell, Head of Global Additive Manufacturing, the centre will provide Indian companies with access to AM technology and help them design and develop efficient products.

Reinshaw opens a additive manufacturing centre in India

“Renishaw’s vision is to make AM a mainstream manufacturing technology, used in series production of high performance parts for aerospace, medical, automotive, oil & gas, mould & die and consumer products” Clive said. “The technology will enable companies to design and make innovative products with spectacular gains in performance and efficiency.”

Adopting any disruptive new manufacturing technology requires a rigorous assessment process to understand the potential benefits, and to prove the reliability and capability of the production process, but the company said that the Additive Manufacturing Solutions Centre will help Indian companies minimize the investment in time and resources that comes with adopting disruptive new manufacturing technologies like AM.

“Renishaw Solutions Centres will lower this entry barrier by providing cost-effective access to machinery, facilities and AM expertise. Solutions Centres will provide a confidential development environment in which firms can explore the benefits that AM can bring to their products, and quickly build their knowledge and confidence in AM as a production technology” the company said in a press release.

As an engineering company, Renishaw has already been working in India for more than 30 years, converting its office in Bangalore into an established subsidiary in 2000. With the Indian 3D printing market projected to grow to $62 million by 2020, the opening of the Additive Manufacturing Solutions Centre will help Renishaw expand its base in the Indian 3D printing market.

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