PostNord adds on demand 3D printing delivery service with Stratasys

PostNord adds on demand 3D printing delivery service with Stratasys

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On demand 3D printing services from Stratasys has a new partner in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. In collaboration with the 3D printing giant, Swedish communications and logistics company PostNord Strålfors will be offering 3D printing bureau services and delivery to customers in the Nordic region.

Amidst a growing list of logistics companies getting in on the 3D printing trend, Industry spoke to Rebecka Mathers, Communication Manager at PostNord Strålfors Group, to learn more about the decision.

Full color 3D printing on demand

From Stratasys, PostNord has acquired a J750 full-color, multimaterial 3D printer. The 3D printer has been installed at the center of PostNords logistics network in Stockholm, that Mathers informs us “also handles the international incoming and outgoing shipping from Arlanda Airport.”

In cases studies, J750 systems have proved an effective solution for functional prototyping, healthcare, education and track-side assistance.

In medicine in particular, the system has become a favourite for making anatomically accurate organ models. At SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, the 3D printer has become a gold standard for medical 3D printing where it is used as a tool for surgical planning.

PostNord adds on demand 3D printing delivery service with Stratasys
Sample color gradient and medical 3D prints from Stratasys J750. Photo via Stratasys.

The best 3D printer for the job

Mathers confirms that PostNord company explored a number of 3D printing options throughout 2017. By working with customers across all industries, the company sought a solution to reach the widest range of applications possible. As a result, Mathers comments, “We feel that the full-color, multi-material gives us the best opportunity to have a wide perspective in working with customers.”

In a statement on the collaboration Ylva Ekborn, CEO of PostNord Strålfors Group, adds,

“At PostNord Strålfors, we aim to be our customer’s digitalization partner, and we constantly need to strive for digital developments and explore new business opportunities.”

A J750 multimaterial 3D printer, as acquired by PostNord. Image via Stratasys
A J750 multimaterial 3D printer, as acquired by PostNord. Image via Stratasys

Stiff competition

American multinational package delivery service UPS was one of the first logistics companies to demonstrate interest in 3D printing. Since 2015, UPS has been in partnership with 3D printing bureau Fast Radius, providing on demand 3D printing and delivery from the UPS WorldPort in Louisville, Kentucky.

Last week FedEx, which already provides shipping for Stratasys Direct Manufacturing in the U.S., also announced a long-awaited realignment to make way for new customization-centric business FedEx Forward Depots.

Speaking at the time of the launch, FedEx Trade Networks CEO Richard W. Smith said, “This realignment under FedEx Trade Networks will allow us to offer customers the full power of our wide array of unique and competitively advantaged customized services in a way that is even more convenient and intuitive.”

It will be interesting to see how the competition grows over the next 5 years.

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Featured image shows a trademark PostNord truck. Photo via PostNord Strålfors

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