NTU Launches $30M 3D Printing Centre in Singapore

It appears 3D printing centers are popping up like flower blooms in spring. The Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has embarked on a 30 million dollar 3D printing center hoping to pioneer new ways of utilizing the technology for fields such as medicine and construction. In another economic move, NTU signed a 5 million dollar agreement with SLM solutions, a leading 3D printer manufacturer. The investment banks on the future ability to printer larger products.

In keeping with the biomedical interest of the new center supported by the Economic Development Board, NTU’s centre aims to research developments and devices for operations involving bone growth. Scaffolding using 3D printing technology has taken hold of the biomedical surgical world and the centre has signed agreements with a few companies in order to develop 3D printing products in that sector as well as others.

The biomedical operations and production in construction materials appear to be the main focus of the venture. All parties involved hope to develop new materials, composites and techniques via 3D printing. NTU’s launch received a warm welcome from the Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and National Development, Lee Y Shyan. He voiced his approval by saying Singapore must welcome 3D printing as an important technological step forward for industries. NTU agrees and the work should ring out a chorus of support.

Source: Straits Times

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