Nano Dimension Interviewed on Development

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The Official MicroCap News Source™, has published an SNNLive Video Interview with Amit Dror, CEO & Co-Founder of Nano Dimension Ltd., focuses on development of advanced 3D printed electronics systems and advanced additive manufacturing, according to the Company’s website. The video interview was recorded on Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 at the LD Micro Invitational in Bel Air, CA.

In the video interview, Mr. Dror and the host discuss the following topics:

– Overview of Nano Dimension Ltd.

– Describes the company’s technology and how its different than what’s currently out there

– Discusses building prototypes for enterprise

– Customer base: industries of focus

– Where technology was developed

– IP Portfolio

– Recent news with Accellta

About Nano Dimension Ltd.

Nano Dimension, founded in 2012, focuses on development of advanced 3D printed electronics systems and advanced additive manufacturing. Nano Dimension’s unique products combine three advanced technologies: 3D inkjet, 3D software and nanomaterials. The company’s primary products include the first 3D printer dedicated to printing multi-layer PCBs (printed circuit boards) and advanced nanotechnology-based conductive and dielectric inks.

In addition to the trading of the company’s American Depositary Shares on NASDAQ, the company’s ordinary shares are also traded on the TASE in Israel. The Bank of New York Mellon serves as the depositary for Nano Dimension.

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