Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara to Feature Consulting Dinner with Terry Wohlers

Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara to Feature Consulting Dinner with Terry Wohlers

Terry Wohlers, Principal Consultant & President of the industry leading Wohlers Associates, often tours with MecklerMedia’s (OTCQX: MECK) Inside Conference & Expo, where he enlightens audiences with keynote addresses and panel discussions, but private consultations with the 3D printing expert may be just out of reach for those interested in the technology. For that reason, coinciding with the first night of their conference in Santa Clara, California, taking place October 21-23, Inside will be hosting the Wohlers Associates Consulting Dinner where a set of lucky guests will have the opportunity to dine with Mr. Wohlers, one of the most experienced analysts in 3D printing.

Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara to Feature Consulting Dinner with Terry Wohlers

Wohlers Associates, Inc. was founded 27 years ago and, as a result, has had widespread influence in the field of 3D printing. The consulting firm has given technical and strategic guidance to over 240 organizations in 24 different countries, as well as detailed insight to almost 150 companies involved in the investment community.

Because private consultations with the firm can be hard to come by, Inside ’s Wohlers Associates Consulting Dinner will provide 40 guests a chance to dine with Wohlers, as he speaks to his firm’s predictions for the future of 3D printing and its accompanying business opportunities. All 40 guests will receive dinner, wine, and a detailed highlights package. To register for the Wohlers Associates Consulting Dinner, visit the Inside website here.

Wohlers Associates Consulting Dinner on 3D printing

Recently, I was fortunate enough to meet and dine with Mr. Wohlers himself and can say, in all honesty, that it was a simultaneously insightful and delightful. The consultant’s expertise in the field is obvious, as he has a relevant case study for every topic at hand and projects future possibilities for the industry with measured confidence. At the same time, we had no problem discussing recent movie releases and craft beers. If you’ve got the opportunity, I’d definitely suggest grabbing a bite with him when you can.

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