Breaking News: Pinshape founders are leaving

Breaking News: Pinshape founders are leaving

Breaking News: Pinshape founders are leaving


Pinshape founders announced exactly a month ago that the platform would be shutting down, this was followed by its resurrection with a sale to a mysterious buyer. Since then the platform has not communicated on the details of the deal or on the name of the new owner. Rumors have circulated that a 3D printing manufacturer might have acquired the platform for an undisclosed amount.


From our investigation, we understand that the new buyer has decided not to keep the 2 founders, preferring to rely on its internal resources to develop the platform. Lucas Matheson and Nick Schwinghamer have just updated their Linkedin profiles with a “Looking for Next Opportunity” tag.

Capture d’écran 2016-04-28 à 16.53.39 Capture d’écran 2016-04-28 à 16.53.18


We wish Lucas and Nick good luck. They have spent the last 2 years creating a great platform and their passion and dedication for 3D printing is clearly apparent. I’m sure they will find some great opportunities and we will happily share the news with you regarding their next venture!


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