Admatec introduce it’s new ceramic 3D Printer

Admatec introduce it’s new ceramic 3D Printer

Admatec will introduce its first 3D Printer to the market in September 2016: the ADMAFLEX 130. The ADMAFLEX technology refers to a series of technology innovations making the difference in the field of industrial grade ceramic printing.


Admatec introduce it’s new ceramic 3D Printer


The patented technology allow the users to work with a stade of the art ceramic printing system with stable and easy-to-clean materials. Materials and machine design are tested for more then 5.000 production hours in the job- shop that Admatec runs since 2013, likely the most ceramic printing experience in the world. This experience continuously result in innovations i.e. the material reconditioning system that allows the customer to re-use all the material guaranteeing 100% effective use of material.

At launch the technology will support zirconiumoxide, aluminiumoxide and fused silica. Successful prints at the Admatec job shop are performed with silicon nitride and silicon carbide these materials will find its way to the market and will be compatible with the printer. Other expected materials relate to bone replacers as hydroxyapatite.

Michiel de Bruijcker, managing director of Admatec Europe BV, comments on the launch of the ADMAFLEX 130; ‘This system will be able to play an essential role of developing 3D printing ceramics in many markets. We are eager to team up with customers in a wide diversity of markets. Developing future solutions by proving solid business cases in their target markets.’


About Admatec

Admatec Europe BV is founded in 2013 as a result of a cooperation between Formatec Ceramics and Energy Research Centre the Nethalands [ECN], both founding companies have more then 20 years of ceramic experience. Since the start Admatec is committed to develop, engineer and produce innovative 3D printing solutions. From 2013 onwards customers could use the job shop print service on ADMAFLEX 2.0 printers.


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