Inside 3D Printing to Hit Australia with Reed Exhibitions’ National Manufacturing Week

Inside 3D Printing to Hit Australia with Reed Exhibitions’ National Manufacturing Week

Every year in Australia, an innovative and sizable exhibition called National Manufacturing Week is put on by Reed Exhibitions, and it is one of the countries largest and most informative manufacturing showcases currently in circuit. Next year’s National Manufacturing Week will take place between May 11th – 13th at the Sydney Showground, and will likely be even more expansive after announcing their new venture with MecklerMedia’s internationally-recognized Inside Conference & Expo, one of their many conferences and trade shows featuring the latest technological innovations in the fields of 3D printing, robotics, virtual reality, and bitcoin. MecklerMedia will join in on the technological festivities by featuring additive manufacturing innovations during the new collaborative exhibition between these two event giants.

Inside 3D Printing to Hit Australia with Reed Exhibitions’ National Manufacturing Week

3D printing technology has become an important asset to numerous manufacturing methods, a constantly growing tool that Reed Exhibitions has certainly taken note of. “As it evolves, 3D printing technology is transforming almost every major industry: especially manufacturing, where it is already beginning to disrupt existing processes and open up exciting new opportunities for industry,” said Reed Exhibitions Australia’s Executive Director, John Gorton. The two major events will co-exist in order to give the event’s visitors an in-depth look at how 3D printing technology have started to disrupt traditional manufacturing techniques.

Reed Exhibitions Australia hopes that the collaboration will help to further expand 3D printing’s application within the manufacturing industry. “By co-locating with the Inside Conference & Expo, NMW 2016 will give visitors a broader, deeper access to the technologies, strategies and opportunities associated with additive manufacturing,” adds Gorton. “We are confident this expanded offering will maximize the value of participation in NMW 2016 for exhibitors, sponsors, conference delegates, and trade visitors.”

national manufacturing week australia

The collaboration between MecklerMedia and Reed Exhibitions Australia is strong evidence for additive manufacturing’s impact on the manufacturing industry as a whole. It makes sense that the two events co-collaborate, as 3D printing technology has reached a point where almost all production processes are using it for prototyping at the very least! Now with the National Manufacturing Week and Inside partnership in Sydney, attendees will have access to the top 3D printing and manufacturing innovators all under one roof.

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