Terry Wohlers to Hit the Stage Yet Again at Inside 3D Printing Shanghai

Terry Wohlers to Hit the Stage Yet Again at Inside 3D Printing Shanghai

Acting as one of the most recognized and well-respected individuals within the entire industry of 3D printing (which he first delved into back in 1986), Terry Wohlers and his consulting firm have helped hundreds of companies discover the perfect additive manufacturing process for their particular business model. Already a staple in MecklerMedia’s international Inside line-up, Wohlers has delivered numerous keynote speeches at these conferences, and even holds his own consulting dinners.

Terry Wohlers to Hit the Stage Yet Again at Inside 3D Printing Shanghai

To no surprise, MecklerMedia has just announced that the 3D printing veteran will yet again be hitting the stage at this year’s Inside Shanghai for an informative keynote session. The conference will take place at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center from December 8th to the 10th, where Wohlers will join an extensive line-up of speakers that range from doctors to Makers, all equipped knowledge on additive manufacturing and the potential applications it brings forth. Alongside Wohlers and the other keynote speakers will be sponsors and exhibitions from big-time companies such as German-based metal 3D printer manufacturer SLM Solutions and EFESTO.

3dprinting shang

Keynote sessions will focus on numerous facets of innovative 3D printing technology, including talks on utilizing 3D printing for surgical implants, education in the 21st century, what the future holds for 3D printing, and much more. The complete schedule and list of topics can be found on the Inside Shanghai website, and looks to be offering an entire weekend filled with 3D printing fun and innovation!

Registration for Inside Shanghai is still being offered with an early bird discount, a low-priced deal that will end on soon on December 2nd, and an added 10% off with the code “3DPI”. If you plan on being anywhere remotely close to the Shanghai area in mid-December, you should definitely look into attending Inside Shanghai and learn from one of the most vetted and well-respected individuals in the entire 3D printing industry.

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