Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) today announced its new board.

Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) today announced its new board.

Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) today announced its new board.


Member confidence leads to re-elections.

CHATSWORTH, CALIF., April 28, 2016 – The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) today announced its 2016–2017 board. Elected by AMUG members during the annual business meeting held at the 2016 AMUG Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, the board’s primary responsibility will be to oversee the April 2017 conference.

In a vote of confidence, the members accepted the standing board’s recommended slate, which leaves the board relatively unchanged. Not seeking re-election for president after serving two terms, Mark Barfoot will become the past president. Filling the president role will be Steve Deak, formerly a vice president. Filling Deak’s vice president seat will be Paul Bates, who served as deputy vice president.

Deak served as president of 3DSUG, the predecessor of AMUG, in 2000, 2004 and 2005. He said, “I am honored to serve once again as president of AMUG, following my two terms as vice president.” Deak continued, “Our board has great experience coupled with strong sense of purpose for the organization and passion for our members. I look forward to leading AMUG and engaging more of our members in preparation for the 2017 conference.”

The elected board accepted the appointments recommended by the outgoing board for the positions of chairman, treasurer, deputy vice presidents and AM industry advisor.

The 2016- 2017 AMUG Board members are:

* President: Steve Deak, GE Aviation
* Past President: Mark Barfoot, Hyphen
* Chairman, Gary Rabinovitz, Reebok
* Vice President: Dana McCallum, Carbon
* Vice President: Paul Pates, UL
* Deputy Vice President: Derek Ellis, Computer Aided Technology, Inc.
* Deputy Vice President: Mark Wynn, Yazaki North America
* Treasurer: Vince Anewenter, Milwaukee School of Engineering
* Event Manager: Tom Sorovetz, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
* Secretary: Kim Killoran, Stratasys
* AM Industry Advisor: Todd Grimm, T. A. Grimm & Assocs.
* Advisor: Mark Abshire, Computer Aided Technology, Inc.

The incoming board also reappointed three AMUG global ambassadors:

· Ambassador: Graham Tromans, GP Tromans Associates
· Ambassador: Stefan Ritt, SLM Solutions
· Ambassador: Nora Cibula, Concept Laser

The board’s responsibilities will involve building the program for the
2017 conference, soliciting support from businesses in the additive
manufacturing industry, and overseeing the event’s day-to-day
activities. The five-day event will include a two-night exhibitor expo,
hands-on workshops, instructional sessions, technical presentations, and
an Awards Banquet gala. The venue for the 2017 users group conference,
which will be held April 2 – 6, will be announced at a later date.



AMUG is an organization that educates and advances the uses and
applications of additive manufacturing technologies. AMUG members
include all commercial additive manufacturing/3D printing technologies
for companies such as Stratasys, Concept Laser, ExOne, Renishaw, HP
Inc., SLM Solutions, EOS, Prodways, Carbon and 3D Systems. AMUG meets
annually to provide education and training through technical
presentations on processes and new technologies. This information
addresses operation of additive manufacturing equipment and the
applications that use the parts they make.

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