3D Systems & SME 3D Printing Curriculum

3D Systems and the SME will be collaborating to incorporate additive manufacturing into curriculums and to offer starter kits to transform shop classes.The aim is to enhance high school industrial arts and vocational education classes through what is known as the M.Lab21 initiative, which to quote Avi Reichental “…aims to support what the manufacturing industry has been calling for – to ‘rebrand’ manufacturing, connect industry and academia, narrow the skills gap and accelerate innovation.”

In line with SME’s vision to ‘Enhance progress, prosperity and strong communities through manufacturing’ and statement of purpose to ‘Advance manufacturing and attract future generations’ 3D Systems will provide starter kits with the latest 3D design and printing technology. SME will work with industry experts to identify the knowledge and skills necessary for the next generation workforce and develop the curriculum based on those needs.

Dennis Bray, chief executive officer of SME said: “This partnership will provide a comprehensive approach that combines the hands-on tools and equipment with the equally important curriculum that addresses competencies required by the industry in the area of 3D printing.”

Avi Reichental, president and CEO, 3D Systems said: “M.Lab 21 goes beyond solely putting a 3D printer in a classroom. Our initiative is about revolutionising tech and vocational education by giving students access to an innovative and integrated set of 21st century tools and technology.

SME and 3DSystems are seeking participation from partners in industryto collaborate in building and delivering ‘twenty-first century shop floor equipment, software and curriculum to high schools across America.’ Together the two organisations are inviting teachers, educators, non-profits and companiesto join the initiative to help drive modern innovation and technology learning, inquiries can be made directly to either company.


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