Top 10 3D Model Libraries for 3D Manufacturing

Last modified: May 28, 2019
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1. GrabCAD

GrabCAD is different than the databases we have looked at so far. Firstly, GrabCad provides you with technical, engineering, and scale models only. Secondly, it lets you filter its database based on the 3D modeling software that the designs were created in. It’s the place to be for anyone looking for more than 27,000 technical 3D files. However, take into account that this website is not intended for 3D printing.

GrabCAD is all about downloading technical 3D models.

GrabCAD is all about downloading technical 3D models

GrabCAD facts:
Focus on 3D printing: No
Price: Free
Target: Professionals interested in technical/engineering parts
Size: 27,000 Models

2. CGTrader

CGTrader offers a dedicated database for 3D printable objects. So far there are more than 13,000 models to choose from. We noticed that there are many printable jewelry designs in particular on this website. While many models are downloadable for free, others come at affordable prices.

CGTrader offers a website section that focuses on 3D printable models only.

CGTrader offers a website section that focuses on 3D printable models only

CGTrader facts:
Focus on 3D printing: No, but 3D printing database available
Price: Free and Payable
Target: Hobbyists & Designers
Size: 13,000 3D printable models

3. 3DShook

The 3DShook website is somewhat similar to Pinshape and Cults but the designs tend to be more focused on ‘fun’ 3D prints for hobbyists. Some models are free but most require a fee. However, 3DShook does offer designs at a very competitive price.

3D Shook offers fun 3D models to download.

3D Shook offers fun 3D models to download

3DShook facts:
Focus on 3D printing: Yes
Price: Free and Payable
Target: Hobbyists – fun designs
Size: 1,500 Models

4. Thingiverse

Thingiverse is probably one of the biggest and most popular databases. It has a very active maker community behind it and offers free-to-use STL files only. You don’t even need to open an account in order to download a 3D model from their site. Sometimes the database can seem slightly less organized than the cleaner and simpler design of sites like Pinshape and Cults.

One of the most popular places to get 3D models: Thingiverse.

One of the most popular places to get 3D models: Thingiverse

Thingiverse facts:
Focus on 3D printing: Yes
Price: Free
Target: Makers
Size: 9,000 Models

5. Cults 3D

Cults offers its users the perfect range of 3D models – from maker-inspired 3D files all the way to professional high-quality designs. Cults checks each 3D design for printability and organizes them into different groups such as fashion, art, jewelry, home, architecture, or gadgets. The mix of a modern visual interface, a well-arranged database, and a focus on smart, useful & beautiful designs makes browsing through their website a lot of fun. While many models come for free, others come at very affordable prices.

Cults is a great place to find & download 3D models for 3D printing.

Cults is a great place to find & download 3D models for 3D printing

Cults facts:
Focus on 3D printing: Yes
Price: Free and Payable
Target: Hobbyists & Designers
Size: 5,000 Models

6. 3D Warehouse

The 3D Warehouse simply screams ‘geometrical’. Whether you are looking for architecture, product design or scale models, 3D Warehouse offers anything that was created with the popular 3D modeling software SketchUp. Luckily they also let you filter their database for 3D printable models by selecting ‘Only Show Printable Models’ in their advanced search function. All other models can be made printable thanks to a connection with the 3DPrintCloud.

Geometric 3D models can be downloaded at SketchUp's 3D Warehouse.

Geometric 3D models can be downloaded at SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse

3D Warehouse facts:
Focus on 3D printing: No, but 3D printing filter available
Price: Free
Target: Professionals interested in geometrical/architectural models
Size: 38,000 3D printable models

7. Pinshape

Pinshape offers its visitors the opportunity to browse through a great selection of more than 13,000 (free and payable) STL files. Finding great 3D printable models on the website is child’s play: both the visual representation and logical organization of the website are top-notch.

Pinshape is a popular database for 3D printables files.

Pinshape is a popular database for 3D printables files

Pinshape facts:
Focus on 3D printing: Yes
Price: Free and Payable
Target: Hobbyists & Designers
Size: 13,000 Models

8. TurboSquid

TurboSquid is the place to be for downloading the most stunning 3D designs. It doesn’t get any more high-end and professional than this. The problems: the designs are great visually but are not optimized for 3D printing. There is also no filtering option for finding 3D printable models. Furthermore, all models on TurboSquid are premium (payable) files. Quality comes at a price.

Premium, high-end 3D designs can be downloaded on TurboSquid.

Premium, high-end 3D designs can be downloaded on TurboSquid

TurboSquid facts:
Focus on 3D printing: No
Price: Premium
Target: Professional Designers & 3D Artists
Size: no models optimized for 3D printing

9. 3DExport

3DExport is somewhat similar to TurboSquid: This is also a database that focuses on the visual aspects and offers amazing premium 3D models. In addition to this, 3DExport offers its users a filter for finding 3D printable models only.

3D Export is a 3D model database for premium designs.

3D Export is a 3D model database for premium designs

3DExport facts:
Focus on 3D printing: No, but 3D printing category available
Price: Premium
Target: Professional Designers & 3D Artists
Size: 1,000 3D printable models

10. Yeggi

Last but not least we want to mention Yeggi, a search engine for 3D printable models. Yeggi scans all the databases mentioned above, and many more, for 3D printable files. So if you want to search the ‘Google’ of 3D models, this might be the right website for you.

Yeggi, the search engine for 3D models.

Yeggi, the search engine for 3D models

11. Remix 3D

Remix 3D is more than a 3D model database, is the Microsoft community of modelers who want to share their creations. The models on the libraries are organized by categories and they can be used and of course “remixed” on Microsoft Paint 3D and their VR/AR app, Mixed Reality.

The cactus in this 3D printing tutorial for beginners on Paint 3D was modeled with the help of Remix 3D, a great example of all the possibilities of this database.

Remix 3D Database

Remix 3D Database

Remix 3D
Focus on 3D printing: Basic modeling with the possibility of 3D printing
Price: Free
Target: Beginners, Kids, Students

12. Hum3D

Since 2005, Hum3D helps 3D artists from more than 80 countries save their time and create stunning works in the field of cinema, video games and visualization. At our store designers can find 3D models of any epoch. It offers combination of price and quality. Hum3D studio successfully works with leaders of advertising and gaming markets. Whether you are a freelancer or an art director, its team has enough experience to help you with your deadline.

Of course, we cannot mention each and every 3D model database out there, but we think that these 10 sites are great places to get your first stunning 3D models.

And by the way: After downloading (and maybe editing) a file, feel free to upload the 3D model to our website and let us print it in 100+ materials and finishes on industrial 3D printers. It’s the easiest way to get a high-quality 3D print.

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