Gallery of 3D Printed Architectural Model

Last modified: January 2, 2020
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Here we select 20 photos of the amazing 3D printed villa, house and other building model designed by the marvelous architects.

Facfox is always willing to help more architects make delightful and delicate models!



1 Villa designed by Burobill


2 Expiatory Temple of the Basílica de la Sagrada Família


3 Faulkner Industrial Design


4 Miniature of the city landscape


5 Tower fantasy House by Skazok


6 Model of a custom hilltop home in Central Texas


7 3D printed tower model in Mexico


8 3D Printed Scale Model With Desktop FDM Technology


9 Model of Massachusetts Avenue


10 Colorful 3D printed house model


11 3D Printed villa model with a yard


12 Moulinsart model by TINTIN


13 Transshipment facility model based on an old photo


14 The covered pedestrian bridge model


15 Locomotive shed model


16 The Roman Colosseum model


17 The model of interior design


18 A social center in Ghana by Wieland Schmidt


19 A 3D generated model of a building


20 A miniature of the resort

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