Materialise Magics: Powerful 3D data tool

Last modified: May 28, 2019
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[su_panel background=”#0baee8″ color=”#ffffff” border=”1px solid #e7e7e7″ shadow=”0px 2px 2px #f4f4f4″ radius=”4″]Click here to see a tutorial of repairing your 3D model with Magics. You can also click F1 for detailed instruction in the magics user manual.[/su_panel]

Materialise Magics is a versatile, industry-leading data preparation and STL editor software for Additive Manufacturing that allows you to:

  1. convert 3D files to STL/ STL to other formats
  2. repair errors
  3. edit your design
  4. prepare your build platform
  5. add supports to the 3D model
  6. more inspiring features…

Sanpshot of Magics interface

[spb_message color=”alert-block” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]Magics offers 30 days trial, if you intend to use it in long-term for your business, get a license![/spb_message]

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