What Is Electrostatic Discharge Paint Coatings (ESD Coating)

Last modified: December 1, 2021
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ESD stands for Electro-Static Discharge, it refers to the transfer of static energy between bodies to stresses that are caused by direct contact or induced by an electrostatic field.

Electrostatic discharges (ESD) are short-term, transient discharges. Such discharges can then occur between solid, liquid, and gaseous substances if they have different charges. They are usually accompanied by sparks or light effects.

When you walk through a rug and you touch a metal knob on a door, you experience a slight clash in your fingers with static energy. If the same ESD occurs on a data network computer, the equipment may be damaged or destroyed.

Damage caused by electrostatic discharges occurs most frequently when printed circuit boards are handled and transported on metal supports.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shields and connectors are integral components of the metal support, and help protect ESD circuits.

However, it is best to have ESD protection devices when handling circuit boards.

In summary, ESD damage (electrostatic discharge) occurs because of the following:

  • Direct electrostatic discharge to the device.
  • Electrostatic discharge of the device.
  • Field-induced downloads.
  • Electrostatic discharge damage also occurs without knowing when inspecting, classifying or installing electronic devices.

Static electricity

Defined as an electrical charge caused by an imbalance of electrons on the surface of a material, this electron imbalance produces an electric field that can be measured and can influence other objects at a distance.

Electrostatic discharge

Defined as the transfer of charge between objects in different electrical potentials (Electrostatic discharge can change the electrical characteristics of a semiconductor device in a degrading way or destroy it).

Electrostatic discharge coating (EDC)

Most comparable technique on the market today is electrostatic discharge coating (EDC). This reduces the sudden redistribution of static charge that damages sensitive components such as electronics.

The ESD coating has a resistance range of 105 to 109 ohms (100 kilohms to 1,000 megohms) with its ideal -range between 106 and 108 (1 megohm to 100 megohms).

ESD specification requires a higher resistivity and, therefore, has a lower conductive property. Electrostatic Discharge Coatings can be used where electrostatic discharge properties are required and to protect electro statically susceptible items that are being handled, such as workbenches, computer workstations, access floor of the clean room, electronic assembly furniture, electronic components, and so forth.

This coating technique can improve quality and productivity by reducing electrostatic discharge. This can also meet customer demands concurrently improving reliability with the expected performance level.

Anti-static wrist strap

Also called ESD strap, made of an insulated material with a connected wire to drain away specifically the electrical charges.

To use it you must connect one end of the wrist strap to ground, that is, the ground pin on an extension cord, and wrap the other end around your wrist as shown in Figure 1. The wrist strap uses a resistance of 1 Mohm to drain the load if the cable touches a charged object.

If instead of using this safety device you wrap a cable around your wrist, electrocution could occur.

Anti-static bags

These bags should be used when storing or sending electronic equipment, because they keep loads away from the equipment. The antistatic bags use the Faraday Cage effect to keep the loads only on the outside of the bag, which protect the electronic equipment that is stored inside.

Anti-static mats or blankets

Consists of an insulated material and two cables with wire clips at each end.

The mat should be spread on a flat surface and place one of the clips in the soil of the nearest sensitive equipment. This transfer the load of electronic equipment placed on the carpet to the ground.

Anti-static shoes

In all installation places that have a conductive floor (tested according to ANSI 20.20), the use of EDS shoes that have metallic elements must be encouraged, so static electricity is discharged when the shoes enter contact with the floor of the EDS.

ESD damage can be very effectively prevented if

  • Prevent the formation of electrostatic charge and prevent it.
  • The therapist and the client are electrically grounded before Neurofeedback devices (NeuroAmp, tactile feedback, QIK, pIR, etc.) or electrodes are touched.

The basic knowledge about the ESD is of the utmost importance for the industry, which is why people are being made aware of the serious problem that this represents and the consequences that this can have and cause great losses due to their scarce knowledge.

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