Top 20 Software That Can Be Applied in 3D Printing

Last modified: February 1, 2023
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There are several types of software that can be applied in 3D printing. Design software creates 3D printable objects. Scanning software and applications capture objects that can be further adjusted for 3D printing. Repair software fix meshes and make objects 3D printable. Slicing software prepares G-codes with the settings for the printer, etc. Read more about 3D printing software and applications below the table.

3D Printing Software and Applications

Having to learn 3D printing software was one of the major stoppers to buying personal desktop 3D printers. User-friendly software can make the whole process enjoyable and attract more enthusiasts to 3D printing. However, in the early days, 3D printing software was not a greatly developed area. Some slicers were at the Beta stage that introduced problems for the makers learning to use their new 3D printers. Normally, for beginners, it is important to get to know how the hardware works before thinking about 3D design.

Design software, on one hand, becomes more sophisticated and on the other – more user-friendly. A certain similarity can be traced between different 3D design software that makes trying out new products easier. Most of design software for 3D printing carry familiar features so that new users can start working with it straight away.

3D Printing Software & Application (Image: 3DWithUs)

Within the past 5 years, 3D printing established itself as a vital new technology and a lucrative business. Companies started to invest into all areas, including software for 3D printing. Scanning applications make it easier to capture objects. File repair software allows to adjust scanned files and make them 3D printable. 3D printing software comes with every 3D printer. The host package often contains a slicer software to prepare files for printing. Some slicers allow to repair files, however, a specialised 3D file repair software may have more advanced features. 3D design or 3D modelling software is obtained separately.

Read More & Table: 3D Design for 3D Printing Courses & Tutorials

“3D design” has a very wide notion. It comprises so many different aspects, like animation, rigging, painting, texturing, sculpting, rendering, etc. So before you choose the right course, you have to make sure that there is an option to transition to …

3D Design for 3D Printing – List of Training Courses and Tutorials (Image: 3DWithUs)

Read more: The Best Slicer Software for FDM and Resin 3D Printing

Acquiring a 3D printer is just the start of the journey. Even though the slicer software keeps becoming more user-friendlier from year to year, mastering how to use on an advanced level, leads to unleashing the true potential of 3D printing. Let’s list what slicing software is there for resin and FDM machines, briefly mention their best features, and review some of them.


Source: Top 20 Software That Can Be Applied in 3D Printing (

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