Polyalchemy Elixir, Four Color Review

Last modified: June 1, 2022
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  • Manufacturer: Polyalchemy
  • Color: Elixir – Potion Purple, Misty Green, Ruby Red, Lucid Pearl
  • Printability: Easy
  • Enclosure: no


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Polyalchemy Elixir filament has a shiny appearance and hides layer lines well. The prints in this review came from a Makerbox Easy assortment from 2019 and include the filament colors Potion Purple, Misty Green, Ruby Red, and Lucid Pearl. Our favorite was the potion purple followed closely by the misty green, though Lucid Pearl earns a strong mention for having a shiny metal-like appearance.

This is one of those cases where you really want to choose the filament color and shine to match the purpose — not every model cries out for a shiny appearance. For example, we like the Dimetrodon we printed in Atomic Filament Candy Apple Golden Pearl better than the Dimetrodon we printed in Polyalchemy Ruby Red. However, we really really liked the green Pteranodon we printed in Polyalchemy Misty Green and the Brachiosaurus we printed in Potion Purple. These dinosaur models came from the Dinosaurus Collection and gave us a great variety of models to print.

We would say the four colors we printed all printed equally well, it’s just a matter of your color preference which ones you choose. Polyalchemy has a good reputation in the community and you’ll see a fair number of youtubers printing items in Polyalchemy filaments.

Printed on a Prusa I3 Mk3 with an 0.4mm E3D Nozzle-X. Generic PLA settings were used with the exception that the print speeds were slowed down as per manufacturer suggestions. We went with these settings:

  • Perimeters: 34mm/s
  • Small and External Perimeters: 25mm/s
  • Infill and Solid Infill: 40mm/s
  • Top solid infill: 24mm/s


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Polyalchemy Elixir, Ruby Red, T-Rex
Polyalchemt Elixir, Misty Green, Pteranodon Front
Misty Green, Pteranodon Side
Polyalchemy Elixir, Misty Green, Sir Layeralot 60%, Sword Side
Polyalchemy Elixir, Ruby Red, Sir Layersalot 60%, Shield Side
PolyAlchemy Elixir, Lucid Pearl, Sir Layersalot 60%, Shield Side
Lucid Pearl, Sir LAyersalot 60%, Back


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