4 Reasons for choosing 3D Printed Channel Letters

Last modified: February 11, 2020
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  • 4 Reasons for choosing 3D Printed Channel Letters
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Channel letters are everywhere. When you walk on the street, you will find high-hanging channel letters of book stores, drug stores, clothes boutiques, supermarkets, office buildings, etc. Most of them are consisting of the names of the shops, and they only vary in font, size, and color.

The traditional method of making channel letters is costly. If your company has exclusively designed the font and the sign, the finished cost will be even higher. However, 3D printed channel letters can now provide better experiences at a very friendly price, suit various requirements in design, simplify the production process, and enable you to enter potential markets quickly.



What makes 3D printed channel letters so cost-efficient?

Although it has been quite common, producing channel letters is still hard and skillful work. Traditionally, metallic channel letters need to go through heating, bending, and shaping. Plastic will take different processes. Both of them need to be assembled and installed with LEDs or other illumination.

3D printing technology can relieve a lot of reliance on labor force and sculptors’ skills as well as experience, which means the labor cost can be cut down sharply. No more worries about failures and injuries.


3D printing can boost the diversity and creativity of channel letters.

A whole suite of products is available including non-illuminating, back/side/face/entire-illuminating, etc. 3D printing overcomes the difficulty in complex geometries and multi-color designs, thus designers all prefer this technology.

Your channel letters can be steric with a return slanted to create a shadow effect. Any angles or curves of the letters are also achievable. You can also 3D print the complex company logo or mascot together with the letters. As long as you can design the digital model on the computer and ensure it’s printable, nothing can restrict your creativity.

In a word, 3D printing can make your sign board outstanding on the street.



The construction of channel letters is simplified.

3D printing turns most of the handwork into operation on the computer and 3D printer. Tools like shimmies, tinsnips, blowtorches, and benders are no more needed. Choose the font, adjust the letter height, return depth, and set the thickness, then 3D modeling. Designers can show the 3D model and render to you and freely revise the model based on your suggestion. Letters deformation is also easy to be realized. See, 3D printing can help to relieve the pressure on communication.


The lead time is 10 times faster with 3D printing.

A large-sized 3D printer can produce channel letters in just a few hours, and another few hours will be taken in post-processing. That means you can order it today, and receive the signboard in less than one week.

The trade show booths are usually humbly decorated. Incorporating illuminated channel letters can be an attractive and powerful way to advertise a company’s name. The printed image or sign with depth, color, and shape was also easy to remember, and appear different from the traditional business signs, thus it is a powerful weapon to penetrate the potential markets.


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